March 6, 2015

Observation of Opposites

[This is my paraphrase of Luke 6:17-38 and Matthew 5:1-12]

Crowds came to touch Jesus.  They knew healing power flowed through Him.  All they needed was a touch from God’s prophet.  If only they could reach Him.
Jesus saw the desperation.  He knew suffering brought them.  Yet, He felt the spiritual void in the population.  They wanted a quick fix, magic not the presence of God.  They desired a change in their outer situation, but did not see any need to change their inner being.  If only He could reach them. 
The healer turned to his disciples, and said:
“Happy are the spiritually obedient (meek), because God gives them the earth.
“Happy are the spiritually loyal (poor), because they live in the Kingdom of Heaven.
“Happy are holy hearts (sanctified), because their eyes see God.
“Happy are those who hunger for righteousness, because God fills them.
“Happy are those who mourn for lost righteousness, because God will give laughter.
“Happy are those who make peace, because God proclaims them His children.
“So, be happy when people hate, exclude, and reject you as evil, because you follow the Son of Man.  They treated the prophets the same.  Rejoice!  Great is your heavenly reward.
“Mourn for those greedy for wealth, because God will end their comfort.
“Mourn for the satiated, because God will dry up their food supply.
“Mourn for those who live to party, because God will give them reason to despair.
“Mourn for all in high standing, because they are like their fathers who lavished affection on false prophets.
“Hear this!  Love your enemies.  Treat them well.  Bless those who curse you.  Pray for those who smear your reputation.  When they strike you, willingly let them strike you again.  If you only love those who love you, than how are you different from any unbeliever?  Even the most degenerate person does good things for those who respond likewise. 
“Give generously to those who ask, and do not expect a return.  If they steal from you, freely give them something of higher value.  Do these things because you want to be treated that way.

“Hear this!  Act like children of the One God.  Be merciful.  He is gentle with those who do evil.  He gives without expecting interest or requiring repayment.  However, God judges and condemns those who mistreat others.  So, do not judge selfishly.  Do not condemn without empathy.  Free people of your expectations, so that you can be free.  God repays generosity with abundance.”


  1. Interesting. I see the logic in all but "Happy are the spiritually loyal (poor), because they live in the Kingdom of Heaven." How did you equate spiritually loyal with poor?

    It's very well done. Thank you.

    1. Why did Jesus use the word poor? He was not talking about a lack of wealth, as there were plenty of evil poor people. Why is it so difficult for a rich person to enter the Kingdom? I find the answer in loyalty. A rich person is less likely to change their spiritual viewpoint if it means loosing status or comfort. Many poor people are the same. Change is difficult. But a Spiritually Poor person gives up the pretense that they have status outside of God. They let Him change their inner being. Like little children, they learn and love His ways. They grow to be spiritually rich in the Kingdom only if they are loyal. Without loyalty, people say one thing and do another. Without loyalty, God spews us out of his mouth.

  2. My sister and I were speaking of the need for Sanctification and its great importance. Not an accident you mentioned it on the same day. Our on time God.

    1. I will publish God Makes Us Holy sometime this year. It is on Sanctification, a wonderful process that many church denominations do not comprehend and many others preach against.


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