July 25, 2015

My Life Today

I'm supposed to blog regularly, say something poignant, profound, or inspirational.  Yet, my head is consumed with current events in my life and the emotional roller-coaster of this last week. So... you get a Jo story.

Last minute edits of my book, which goes to the printer this weekend, is both exhilarating and frightening.  If I wasn't editing until my brain hurt, then I walked around the house in a daze.  I’m still not sure what to do next.

Mom’s Alzheimer’s… Talk about ups and downs.  Happy giggles then paranoid screaming.  If you know mom or someone with dementia, you have heard it all, and you have felt what I’ve felt. Enough said there?

Other people in my life have had major ups and downs.  One friend died.  Others have new babies.  Problems seem to go with knowing people.  For an introverted hermit, like me, that overwhelms the emotions.  I must remember all the good things that go along with knowing God’s children.  Only then, can I cope.

Our puppy is over 11 weeks old and over 22 lbs.  This is going to be a BIG dog.  Her name is Lightfoot.  I tend to call her Underfoot.  Though I haven’t fallen yet, it is a constant fear.  I must remember that this is a puppy thing and pet her soft ears.  And her face… such love and adoration…

We have a new baby turkey.  It is so ugly it is cute.  And cuddly.  Baby turkeys like to cuddle and take a nap in your arms.  I need a “turkey fix” about as much as a kitten or puppy.  Kind of boggles the mind.

The down side of pets is that my old goose, Tippy, died the same day the turkey hatched.  She had been sick for several days, not eating and lethargic.  However, I thought she was getting better.  But, no.  My good goose is gone.  She will be missed.  Without her, there is no reason to keep water birds in my backyard.  We will be taking the last duck and the tank out to the ranch and returning to a lawn with flowers.  An era has ended.

My emotional roller-coaster life has more ups than downs.  That is good.  Looking at all these events through the eyes of God’s love, changes them.  They become special, normal, and manageable.  God is good.  He will teach us to love the unlovable and appreciate the ugly.  Do all things in love.