April 17, 2015

The Rich Man’s Question – Part 6 of 7 – The Task to Follow

Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30]

The apostles’ concern prompted Jesus to add a promise.  Leaving ones “normal life” to follow Him would be repaid with great interest.

How God repays such a dept is his prerogative and quite individual.  Such a gain could be monetary and manifest on this side of death.  However, so could persecution.  Instead of leisure, followers could get a death sentence.  Comfort was not promised.  However, the man’s treasure would have been secured in heaven before he wondered off with the rabbi.

Following Jesus never decreed eternal life.  Judas Iscariot followed Jesus, learned alongside the other disciples, and heard the promised rewards.  Yet, Judas remained selfish.  What we do outwardly might hide the person we really are.  Too often, great preachers do not live up to their words.  Even the most pious priest can hate his brother.  God knows the heart.

Walking with God provides opportunities that a standard life does not.  It can bring humility to deny selfishness and love humanity.  Outward piety softens and becomes empathetic, a greater chance to recognize and change our ways.  In community, we share God’s lessons that bring us to sanctification (holiness).  God molds our heart. 

**Does my religion teach me to follow the rigid traditions of men?  Do I justify sin to satisfy self?  Do I “walk the walk” but never recognize God standing beside me?

To be continued…